Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Conveniently remembered

One day, a very distant friend calls you and talks like he/she has been in touch with you everyday; asks you questions which you never expect 'Him/Her' to ask; shares topics which only a very close friend would; mostly expecting some sort of help or favor from you. ...an act of convenience. 
A friend with whom your relationship was like that between water and waves, starts creating distance between the two of you, reduces interactions, and gives you an unpleasant but certain idea that you are soon to be forgotten. ...another act of convenience.
Most of us encounter both of the above situations in our lives. Both are equally strange. But,

'It is better to be conveniently forgotten, than to be conveniently remembered.'
- A J Oka.


  1. Perhaps so! Probably depends on which one of the two happened to you most recently ;)

  2. mmhm. Not really. It's like that always.

  3. I would totally agree as I just came out of a gathering where we were conveniently remembered. :(
