'A Man is known by the company he keeps'. A friend of mine introduced me to this famous quote. We were discussing about some people and their nature. I thought about this quote for a while but couldn't really agree to it at all.
To elaborate, A person who befriends people who smoke and drink; does not always do, like or support what they do. A person who gets along well with scholars, is not necessarily a scholar or even who aims to be one. This reminds me of a Sanskrit Subhaashit which goes like,
विकॄतिं नैव गच्छन्ति संगदोषेण साधव: |
आवेष्टितं महासर्पैश्चंदनं न विषायते ||
It means that bad company does not induce changes (bad habits) in a good person. (as)
(poisonous) snakes (cobra) on sandal tree does not cause that tree to
become poisonous.
(Source: http://sa.wiktionary.org)
I would like to focus my disagreement on the word 'known' in this particular saying. I'd rather say,
'A Man is 'judged' by the company he keeps. To 'know' him; you have to BE his company.'
- A J Oka.