Sunday, April 22, 2012

Refuse to be 'Weak'

At sometime or the other, everyone falls ill, suffers from some sort of sickness. As illness enters your body, there is a definite and noticeable loss of power. For almost everyone, loss of physical strength during illness; is inevitable. Loss of mental strength however; is not. But largely, people lose their mental strength and then the illness dominates them. 

I hate that loss of power. I hate that 'weak' feeling; and so I rebel. I would deliberately do a set of push-ups when I have fever; and feel good. I would definitely not call anyone to push the bed aside or lift any heavy object; do it myself; and feel strong. 

Ulhas, a good friend of mine, was telling a similar story about his father, and how he used to approach illness. He had a remarkably positive way of looking at it. Many may call that, and what I described above, as crazy; but it works. It surely does make a difference in one's recovery. I thought that I should Quote what Ulhas's father used to say. 'Always; refuse to be a patient. And always; refuse to be old.' A great thought, really. 

The pills will do their job but it is You who provide them the platform. Like they say,'It's all in the mind.'

"Illness is unstoppable. But your mind, is unbeatable."
- A J Oka.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Previous - Precious

There will be some people whose eyes do not shine when they turn pages of their memory book. Every person from the rest has a special place in his heart for his past. He values things that he did, places that he saw, and people that he met.

With time everything changes. So does the way we look at things, and the way we value them. Things without which we could not imagine our lives, occupy a visible corner of the house and are called as 'antique'. People feel proud to show these things off; the things that used to be so precious at a point in time. Their 'price' increases; and their 'value' goes down. 

'With time, the things that were previously precious, become preciously previous.'
- A J Oka.